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OVC - Orphaned & Vulnerable Children (Residential Children's Home)

Some of the children in our home are orphans, but not exclusively. If they are orphaned, their parents most often died of HIV or TB, or fell victim to violent crimes. But many of our children still have one or both parents. In these cases the situation at home is so grave, that the Department of Social Development has decided that these children can no longer live at home and need to be placed in alternative care. Often the reasons why involve massive consumption of alcohol or drugs by the parents, and even physical and sexual violence towards their children, including cases of rape by their own fathers, step-fathers or close relatives. All children are court-assigned to us.

In 2015 we officially opened our first three residential houses of the Children’s Home (OVC). In each of them we have a capacity for 12 children. In total 36 children and youth aged 0 - 18 have thus found a new home in our three houses so far.

During the day the children, depending on their age, either visit external schools or our internal Chrèche/Educare, and in the afternoons they attend our internal After School Care (ASC).

More information on our children, the admission criteria, living arrangements and schooling you can find here.





Completion of the 3 new residential units, funded through the "RTL Donation-Marathon" (Germany)


Government Registration (DoSD)

Current Capacity

36 Children & Youth (0-18 Jahre)