
The German Charity Organization Positiv Leben e.V. (Living Positive) was founded in October 2003 by Vulamasango project founder Florian Kraemer and is registered as a Non-Profit Organization in Mannheim/Germany.
Mission Statement

The charity envisions the founding, maintaining and funding of children's projects in South Africa, which have as their principal aim the basic care, education and vocational training of vulnerable, impoverished, abused, orphaned and HIV-positive children in the townships of South Africa. The core mission is to establish a Children's Home in Cape Town/South Africa.

The founding idea behind the charity Positiv Leben e.V. was to set up a fundraising entity in Germany, through which the necessary financial resources could be raised for Mr. Kraemer's goal of setting up a Children's Home in Cape Town. Since its inception in 2003 the charity has increased its membership base steadily and close to 5 million € have been raised to date (2020). This money was used in accordance with the mission statement: The setting up and maintenance of the Children's Home Vulamasango – Open Gates for vulnerable, impoverished, abused, orphaned and HIV-positive children in the townships of Cape Town (and its predecessor project Indawo Yentsikelelo, from 2004 - 2009).

Besides the continued fundraising for once-off donations from individuals and companies, the charity specifically aims to sign up a growing number of members who feel connected to the organization's goals and who provide a fixed monthly income to the organization through small monthly membership fees, which cover the bulk of the operating costs. Without this committed and loyal base of members, the work of Vulamasango would simply not be possible!
Cultural Exchange

In order to show our gratitude to our members and funders in Europe and to "give back", we have been organising a bi-annual concert tour to Europe since 2007, mostly performing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with children and youth from the Vulamasango children's project in Cape Town. The concerts of our youth choir, known as Vulingoma, serve a threefold purpose:
- We raise donations for the project in South Africa.
- The funders and members of Positiv Leben e.V. are "receiving back" something very valuable and in this way can take part in the success of the project and the lives of the children in South Africa. This direct contact with the children and youth at these concerts helps to build a personal relationship and bond of trust between the children and the supporters of the project.
- The children and youth taking part in this youth choir, most of whom stem from the most adverse conditions in South Africa and have often never before left the terrible conditions prevailing in their townships at home, get a unique chance to "see the world" and to come back to South Africa heaped with praise over their artistic ability and talent, which always leads to a vastly increased sense of worth and a new-found self-confidence, which in turn gives them the strength and positive outlook they need to face their challenging circumstances at home.
Public Relations

The charity organization Positiv Leben e.V. is represented by Mr. Florian Kraemer, the founder and CEO of the children's project Vulamasango, through regular information events, public talks and presentations. Should you be interested in such a presentation, please contact Mr. Kraemer through the organization's administration:
Information Material
More information on the charity Positiv Leben e.V. (newspaper articles, project reports and newsletters) you can find here:
Board of directors

Florian Kraemer
POSITION: Chairperson
- Founder and Chairperson since 2003
- Social Scientist / Social Worker
- Lives in Cape Town / South Africa since 1997
- Founder and CEO of Vulamasango since 2008
- Founder and CEO of the project Indawo Yentsikelelo in Cape Town from 2004 to 2008
- Board Member of Förderverein Vulamasango Südafrika since 2019
- Married with 2 children

Nicole Hill
POSITION: Board Member
- Secretary of Positiv Leben e.V. since 2008
- Board Member of Positiv Leben e.V. since 2011
- Foreign Language Secretary
- Assistant of the Senior Management of Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH, Mannheim, since 2000
- Married with 2 children

Bastian Kircheisen
POSITION: Board Member
- Board Member of Positiv Leben e.V. since 2011
- Tour Assistant on Vulingoma concert tours from 2007 to 2014
- Engineer in the Automotive- and Medical Technology fields
- Key Account Manager, BorgWarner
- Married with 2 children (2016/2018)
Thank You

Ulrich Penzkofer
POSITION: Finanzvorstand / Kassenwart
Vielen Dank, Herr Penzkofer für Ihren Dienst in Vulamasango der unsere Kinder mit ganzheitlichen Gesundheitssitzungen beweist, und an unsere Mitarbeiter. Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für Ihr neues Abenteuer. Ihre Arbeit als Finanzvorstand in Vulamasango wird nicht unbemerkt bleiben.