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Admission Criteria

We admit children that are orphaned, neglected and sexually or physically abused from the Townships of Cape Town, and children who have been impoverished to such a severe degree, that survival without outside help has become impossible.

We admit children between ages 0 to 17, regardless of gender, ethnicity, HIV-status, or religious and cultural affiliation.

We specifically also admit children with cognitive and learning disabilities as well as severe and chronic illnesses such as HIV/Aids, TB, Sickle-Cell Anaemia, Epilepsy, Autism, etc.

The ethnic breakdown of the 36 children and youth in the OVC is currently 23 Africans (64%), 12 Coloureds (33%), and 1 Caucasian (3%)

The gender breakdown of the 36 children and youth in the OVC is currently 21 girls and 15 boys